Interos Watchtower™

Protect Your Supply Chain,

Your Way. 



Uncovering hidden vulnerabilities across thousands of interconnected supply chains is a constant challenge. But that's precisely what Interos does: we make risk Visible, Material, and Actionable every single day.

Interos Resilience Watchtower™ is the only personalized risk technology that combines customized, user-submitted company data and Interos' continuous risk insights for tailored risk models that prioritize vulnerable suppliers based on their materiality to your business.


With Resilience Watchtower you can...

  • Bring your own supplier data that adds valuable context to the materiality of their riskiness, the nature of your relationship with them, and how critical they are to your business

  • Know exactly where to focus with daily alerts and watchlists that highlight suppliers most at risk for disruption based on risk criteria and thresholds that you specify

  • Update target profiles based on changes in business and market conditions

  • Tailor risk scenarios from our data hierarchy that includes risk factors, subfactors, and more than 240 attributes as well as customer provided data

  • Constantly feed supplier updates through the Interos API and send dynamic reports directly to your inbox



Discover what's possible with Resilience Watchtower

Want to see how quickly you can shortlist potential problems that could have material impact to your business? Let's talk.


Introducing Interos Resilience Watchtowerto


Banking on Security: Unraveling the Secrets of Proactive Resilience in Third Party Risk Management


Meet the Experts: Introducing Resilience Watchtower

Data Sheet

Align Supplier Risk Appetite with Materiality to Your Business

Interos Resilience Watchtower Feb 2024 (1)


Speed Up New Supplier Due Diligence


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Helping visionary procurement leaders to source with confidence.


Simplifying Complexity for Better Insights